Professional Biography
First Sergeant Grier was born in Seoul, Korea, was adopted, and was raised in Fallston, Maryland. He enlisted into the United State Marine Corps in 1992 and attended Marine Corps Recruit Training at Parris Island, South Carolina. After graduation from MCRD, and follow-on training, he was assigned to the Engineer Platoon, Headquarters Batter, 10th Marine Regiment for duty as an electrician (engineer).
In 1994, Corporal Grier elected to make a lateral move to tank mechanic, and after six months of training at the United States Army Armor Center, he was assigned to 2d Marine Tank Battalion, for duties as a tank mechanic and crewman.
His follow on tours of duty consisted of:
H&S Company, Bravo & Charlie Company, 2d Tank Battalion Camp Lejeune, NC for duties as a tank mechanic/ crewman
- Forward deployed to the Rep. of Georgia -
D 1/81 Marine Corps Armor Detachment, USAAC Fort Knox, Ky for duties as a MOS instructor
Delta Company, 2d Tank Battalion, Camp Lejeune, NC for duties as maintenance chief, platoon sergeant & gun truck section leader - Forward deployed to Iraq
2d Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST), NWS Yorktown, VA for duties as FAST platoon sergeant and operations chief - Deployed to Rota, Spain, Forward deployed to Israel
Blackfoot Company, 3d Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, MCAGCC 29 Palms, CA for duties as a company First Sergeant - Forward deployed to Afghanistan
Bravo Company, 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Fort Detrick, MD for duties as the Inspector/ Instructor First Sergeant
First Sergeant Grier earned the following awards during his 22 years of military service: Meritorious Service Medal (2 awards), Navy Commendation Medal (3 awards), Army Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal (3 awards), Army Achievement Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, Superior Unit Award, Navy/ Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal (6 awards), National Defense Service Medal (2 awards), Afghanistan Campaign Medal (2 awards), Iraqi Campaign Medal (2 awards), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (4 awards), and the NATO medal.
First Sergeant Grier is a certified National Association of Search and Rescue SAR instructor and American Red Cross Instructor. Additionally, he is a Nationally (NREMT) certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B) licensed to practice in Florida.
First Sergeant Grier is married to the former Jennifer Mattingly of Louisville, KY and has three children, Joe, Hayden, and Alex. They reside in Oviedo, Florida.