About Winter Park NJROTC
The Winter Park Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Program is one of over 600 NJROTC programs in the Nation and is part of Winter Park High School located in Winter Park, Florida. With an annual enrollment of approximately 250 Cadets, NJROTC is one of the largest electives at Winter Park High School.
Although NJROTC is a United States Navy sponsored program, our goal is not to recruit individuals into the military. Our program is designed to prepare individuals to meet their college and/ or career goals by providing a challenging and diverse curriculum, while providing ample opportunities to develop their leadership and technical skills through experiences serving their community. The Winter Park NJROTC program includes three different pathways to offer our Cadets: Core, Aviation, and Emergency Planning and Response Sciences (EPRS).
The Core pathway curriculum emphasizes citizenship and leadership development, as well as maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation and meteorology.
The aviation pathway is designed to license and certify a well-rounded Unmanned Aircraft Systems pilot through our education partnerships with Embry Riddle Aeronautics University and Unmanned Safety Institute. In many situations (dependant on a Cadet's academic situation) this pathway is offered as a dual-enrollment program with ERAU.
The Emergency Planning and Response Sciences pathway is designed to provide students with a rigorous course of study that prepares them for careers in the highly competitive fields of emergency planning, response, and recovery while simultaneously providing the public safety community with foundationally trained, educated, and experienced individuals prepared for initial entry into public safety careers or related post-secondary education institutions. ​
Cadets have the opportunity to join teams and take part in several annual events. By taking part in these experiences, it gives Cadets numerous opportunities to learn and grow, not only individually, but also with their fellow Cadets. Our program has various teams: Orienteering, the Drill & Ceremonies Platoon, and E-CERT. Throughout the year Cadets take part in several annual events to include: Field Meet (Fun Day), the Military Ball, Change of Command and Awards Ceremony and more.

Certification and licensure opportunities
Winter Park NJROTC offers the following Licensing and Certification opportunities to students enrolled into our program:
Federal Aviation Administration Part 107 Pilot's License (UAS)
Federal Communications Commission Technician License (HAM)
Unmanned Safety Institute Visual Line of Sight Ground & Flight Certifications
Unmanned Safety Institute Safety Certifications
American Red Cross Basic Life Support and Bloodborne Pathogens Certification
National Association of Search and Rescue SAR Technician II Certification
National Association of Search and Rescue Wilderness First Aid Certification
American Red Cross Administering Emergency Oxygen Certification
American Red Cross Responding to Emergencies (RTE) Certification
National Association of Search in Rescue SAR Technician III Certification
American Red Cross CPR/ AED/ First Aid Certification
Federal Emergency Management Agency Community Emergency Response Team Certification
Adobe Photoshop Certification
Selected Cadets may also have the opportunity to earn the following certifications:
American Red Cross Instructor Certification
Federal Emergency Management Agency Instructor Certification
In consultation with our advisory board and industry partners, the instructors continuously develop the program's curriculum and course structure to ensure that we are providing the most relevant content possible to our students.

Program facilities & Resources
The Winter Park Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Program is located at both the Ninth Grade Campus and the Main Campus at Winter Park High School and has a wide variety of resources for use by the Cadets. Between the two Winter Park campuses, the NJROTC Program has three modern classrooms, one classroom/ lab, an aviation and simulation lab, the instructors office, an outdoor classroom, and a drill field.
In addition to the facilities, the Program has multiple resources and training aids to assist in the students' training and education to include, but not limited to:
Multiple models of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones)
Dynamic flight simulators, to include Virtual Reality (VR)
Trauma, CPR, and medical manikins
3-D Printers
Medical equipment (stethosopes, AED's, Sphygmomanometers, etc.)
Underwater robotics kits (Seaperch)
Disaster/ Emergency response equipment (litters, cribbing tools, PPE)
Communications equipment (HAM)